CAD IT sponsors “TEDxVerona 2015: beyond the wall”

CAD IT, leader in the Italian financial software market and listed in the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, will be Golden partner of “TEDxVerona 2015: beyond the wall” (

The event, supported by Verona University and City Council, is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 1st March in the Gran Guardia Palace.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a non-profit organisation founded in California with a mission to spread "ideas worth sharing".

At the annual TED Conference, leading personalities of "thinking" and "doing" are invited to put forward their ideas in fast and entertaining presentations.

TEDx was create in the spirit of TED and is organised in such a way as to give local communities, organisations and individuals the chance to encourage dialogue through TED-like experiences at a local level.

After the success that Lateral Thinking received in the first edition, the theme chosen for  TEDxVerona 2015 is beyond the wall. Why beyond the wall? “There is no world beyond Verona walls" as Shakespeare wrote, knowing - although he had never actually been here - the importance that the walls have had for our city over the centuries. TEDxVerona's journey along the paths of innovation re-starts from this ancient awareness.  The walls which allowed the city of Verona to defend itself and grow now provide an important occasion to look beyond them. A chance to see and compare experiences, suggestions and different points of view by gathering within the walls ideas, projects and contributions that come from the outside and offering, beyond the walls, everything precious that we have to share. In other words, walls that do not create boundaries, but support farsightedness, a launching pad for ideas that are worth sharing.

During TEDxVerona we will see this style of thought being applied to a variety of disciplines that range from new business models, to architecture, to the different figurative arts and new technologies.

CAD IT is proud to be able to contribute to promoting an event that so closely relates to its own way of thinking.

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