Shareholders' Meeting Summons

The CAD IT S.p.A. shareholders are summoned to the ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held at the registered offices in Verona - Via Torricelli no. 44/a, at 9.30 a.m. on 29th April 2010 for the first summoning and on 30th April for the second, in order to deliberate the following agenda:

  1. 31st December 2009 Balance approval proposal and allocation of resulting profits.

In accordance with articles 10 and 11 of the Company Statute, all those shareholders for whom the company has received a written communication from intermediaries authorised by the laws in force within two working days prior to the shareholder meeting, will be able to intervene.
Each shareholder authorised to intervene at the shareholder meeting can delegate their representation in writing. A delegation form must be included at the bottom of each copy of the communication that the intermediary is obliged to send to the shareholder. A delegation form can also be found on the company website at
The Company capital is subdivided into no. 8,980,000 ordinary shares with a nominal single value of Euro 0.52, all with equal rights and each giving the holder the right to one vote.
The Board of Directors’ proposals regarding the items on the agenda, including the dossier containing the Consolidated Financial Statements and Financial Statements as of 31st December 2009 and relative annual reports on Corporate Governance, will be placed at public disposal within the terms dictated by law at the Company premises, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on the Company website at
The shareholders who, also jointly, represent at least a fortieth of the company capital, may ask, within five days of the publication of this notification, to contribute to the list of arguments to be discussed, indicating the topics they wish to propose in their request. Any additions to the items to be discussed at the meeting as a consequence of any aforementioned requests will be communicated, in the same manner as this summons notification, at least ten days prior to the date set for the shareholders’ meeting. Additional arguments are not admitted for items that the shareholders’ meeting, by law, deliberates, on director proposals or on the basis of a project or of a report they have drafted.

For the Board of Directors
The Chairman
Giuseppe Dal Cortivo

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